Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dick Grasso Has 190 Million$ Reasons To Smile

Ex NYSE boss, Dick Grasso, is arguably one New Yorker who has most to gain from Governor Eliot Spitzer’s down fall. As NY State’s Attorney General, Spitzer sued Grasso over his fat salary package, retirement, and perks which summed up to $190 million. And Grasso appealed. The case was still pending when Spitzer was elected governor of New York, and Andrew Cuomo took over as the AG of NY. Luckily, the case might not see full trial. Perhaps, the judges don’t see merit in Spitzer’s claim – ripple effects of recent Spitzer sex scandal? So the appeal court is paving way for Cuomo to settle with Dick Grasso. What a lucky chap. Now “Italian connection ” is kicking in. Grasso-Cuomo, the combo speaks volume.