Monday, September 15, 2008

Amy Winehouse Days From Dead

Ok repoted today that Amy Winehouse could be days from death after spotting her staggering home from a london local pub. The drug-raddled singer is 25 but appeared haggard, filthy and painfully thin as she turned up two hours late for a stint as a DJ. She was so weak and frail, she struggled to walk unaided as she left the Monarch Pub in Camden, north London, in the early hours of yesterday. She had to be supported by minders and friends.

Now fans and friends fear she may go berserk this weekend during her birthday celebrations. Amy was diagnosed with the early stages of emphysema earlier this year. And in June she was warned by doctors: "Quit drugs or die.” But it did not look like she had followed their advice as she blundered through her DJ set. At one point, she even claimed how pleased she was that husband Blake Fielder Civil, 26, was “out of jail”. He is still inside for assault and perverting justice and is unlikely to be freed until December at the earliest. Perhaps, "rehab is the only place this bitch-ass belong.