Friday, August 8, 2008

Bernann McKinney, Cloned Dog Owner, accused of Rape & Kidnapping

Bernann McKinney who suddenly became famous due to her cloned dogs (first of its kind commercially) has found her self dogged by shady past. It was reported in London Times that her real name is Joyce McKinney, a sex-assault fugitive who jumped bail in England 30 years ago to return to United States – after spending 3 months in jail. The case involved her then 19 yrs old boy-toy who turned Mormon cleric and returned to his native England. According to London Times. McKinney then 28 yrs old allegedly went after the boy, Kirk Anderson. She came to U.K, kidnapped and sexually assaulted him by chaining him to a bed; but he managed to escape. There are also proofs that she once posed nude for men's magazines way back in the 70s. Inset shows her pix & Krk Anderson tagged "idiot victim."
So far she’s denied the report even though evidence stacked against her. This shouldn’t be a surprise because her personality shows she is capable of such shady act.