here is a movie called “Soul Men” which is due in November. In real life, it is such a coincidence that its two main characters die a day apart. Bernie Mac died on Saturday and Isaac Hayes died on Sunday. In the movie clips, Hayes played himself while Bernie Mac and another great actor, Samuel L. Jackson, acted as soul singers. This scenario is so similar to actor Heath Ledger’s who featured in Batman’s "The Dark Night" but did not leave to witness the film opening.
Batman went on to become the 3rd best selling movie in the history (gross $450 million and still counting). This huge hit was partly due to curiousity generated by the death of Heath Ledger who played “joker” in the movie. So, I think we could see similar interest at the box office for “Soul Men” comes November. Well, it is funny how some lucky dudes make easy million$ at death while those alive are struggling. May their souls R.I.P.